
Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Assalamualaikum !

What do you see when you look at me?
Do you see someone limited or someone free?
All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they cant see my hair
Others think I am controlled and un-aducated
They think I am limited and un-liberated
They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain free
Well free isnt exactly the word I would've use
They think that I do not have opinion or voice
They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my hubby (emm, someday) or dad are totally outraged
All they can do is look me in fear
And in my eyes there is a tears.
Not because I have been stared at or made fun of but
Because people are ignoring the one up above

On the Day of Judgement they will be the fools
Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules
Maybe I declined from being a guy's toy 
Because I wont let myself controlled by a boy
Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind

In the back of their mind they wish they were me
We have the strenght to do what we think is right
You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and a tight shirt
We are only given only respect and never treated like a dirt
We are teh ones that are free and pure
So when people ask how you feel about the hood
Just sum it by saying "baby it is all good."

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Assalamualaikum .

Being an art student ain't that easy.  haha. betul la tuu. nak hupdate benda alah ni pun macam terasa rugi je masa. memang dah gaya sendiri kalau tido atas B3, sambil pensel tu lekat kat celah jari..bermain dengan    aerosol goncang-goncang macam  bartender kat club. masih lagi baru. masih bertatih. dulu tolak Foodtech. tolak jugak English. bila dah pilih yang ni, harap-harap ini la yang terbaik. terbaikk wooo~ 

Mengarut. *sigh* 

Malam-malam roommate tido. macam kacau pulak lena dia dengan lampu semata-mata nak siapkan design atau artwork yang menunggu masa. seram-sejuk-panas-suam sikit bila dengar artwork S2 (baca: kelas) dibaling depan mata. menangis bercucuran la tu jugak ! sungguh, itu adalah kritikan paling membina setakat ini. 

Bila dengar jugak artwork yang cuma menampilkan titik secoet di atas kanvas  boleh dijual hingga RM10k, terasa semangat lagiii. sungguh semangat. lagi, interview JPA pun Alhamdulillah selamat. maintain pointer? InshaAllah. tiada perancangan yang hebat melainkan perancanganNya sahajaa. hmm, i believe Allah has a bigger plan for me than i had for myself.

*sambung coding*

w nyna yg serabut selepas funda art.


lambat lagi nak main aerosol tapi geramm je. 

cucuk earpiece dalam telinga. Biarkan alam sekeliling membisu kerana Linkin Park sahaja yang berdentum di telinga. Numb.

It is ok to be human. It is normal to feel down and low. Take time and gain back the strenght after it.